Step 3: Application Packet

During our Information Meetings, you will be given information about becoming a foster or adoptive parent in greater Houston or South Texas. Part of the information you will receive during the Information Meeting includes an application, which all potential foster or adoptive parents must submit as one of the first steps towards welcoming a child into your heart and home.

While you must attend an Information Meeting as the first required step towards becoming an Arms Wide foster or adoptive parent, we firmly believe in transparency and want all potential foster or adoptive parents to understand the process before making the life-changing decision to become a foster or adoptive parent.

Here is what you can expect from Arms Wide’s application to become a foster or adoptive parent:

  • Provide information about household members and adult children
  • Provide information about any pets in the home
  • Provide information about family/household health
  • Provide information about income, monthly expenses, debts and assets
  • Provide a description of your home (number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, whether you have a pool, etc.)
  • Provide a list of references

We know that the components of the application may look lengthy and overwhelming, but Arms Wide’s staff expertly guide families through the process and simplify the steps as much as possible.

Please contact us today to take the first step towards fulfilling your family through adoption – we can’t wait to hear from you!