Apr 14
Saturday, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Fort Bend Peer Support Group
United Way
12300 Parc Crest Drive
Stafford, TX 77477
Beautiful inside and out! Join us for a day of supporting young ladies build self-esteem. This Fort Bend Peer Support Group is hosted by Alaina Lopez, LPC at the 12300 Parc Crest Drive United Way Office, 10 a.m. until Noon. Areas of exploration include:
- Feelings about self
- Things that peers like about you
- What I’m most proud of
- Bullying
- Family matters
- Academic performance
- Individual uniqueness
In case you needed even more reasons to attend:
- Includes adopted children and their families, and families who have Permanent Managing Conservatorship (PMC)
- Must reside in Fort Bend County hosted by Arms Wide Adoption Services, formerly Spaulding for Children
Please RSVP by April 5, 2018 to Annette Williams or Post Adoption Staff (Donna, Cynthia, Connie and Sharon) at 713-681-6991 or awilliams@armswide.org.