Other Ways to Help

Arms Wide charges no fees to our Greater Houston and South Texas families. We rely on the generosity of people like you in order to fulfill our mission to transform the lives of children in need of safe and nurturing permanent families.

Here are different ways you can help support Arms Wide and the children and families we serve. If you are interested in helping in any of the ways listed below, please contact the Development office at 713-681-6991.

  • Make a tax-deductible donation to Arms Wide using our secure online donation form.
  • Become a Legacy Donor and leave a planned gift for Arms Wide in your will.
  • Fundraise for Arms Wide by directing donations to the agency in lieu of gifts during major life milestones like birthdays, graduations, weddings, memorial gifts, etc.
  • Make Arms Wide the beneficiary of third-party fundraising events like shopping parties, crawfish boils, golf tournaments, etc.
  • Invite an Arms Wide representative to make a presentation to your church, neighborhood association, professional group, etc. to help Arms Wide raise awareness for its services and the 6,000+ children in foster care in Texas waiting for a family today.
  • Learn more about becoming an Arms Wide foster or adoptive parent by attending an Orientation.
  • Contact your state representative and let them know that providing a better future for children in foster care is important to you.
  • Sign up to receive our newsletter and stay informed about Arms Wide.
  • Follow Arms Wide on social media (@armswidetx) to stay up to date on our work and help share information about our mission with your networks.

Blizzard of Giving

Each holiday season, Arms Wide conducts a gift card drive called Blizzard of Giving. We also accept gift cards year round to give to families when special needs or occasions arise!

Stock Donations

One of the most effective ways to support a charity is to donate appreciated stock.

Angel Room

Thank you for your interest in helping Arms Wide by providing items on our wish list for our Angel Room.

Community Outreach

Arms Wide is always seeking speaking opportunities where we can share our work with the greater community.

Give While You Shop

Shop at KROGER or Randalls? We’ve got a share card program for you! Make sure the dollars you spend shopping are donated back to the community.