We are delighted that you are considering fostering or adopting one – or more – children that need a loving home.
Arms Wide recruits, trains and supports Greater Houston area families interested in caring for children in the custody of state foster care system administered by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS).
We know that the process to become a foster parent can seem complex and overwhelming, but we’re here to help you navigate the process and provide support in any way we can.
Once a family has attended an Orientation and completes a screening and application, they begin pre-service training. During pre-service training, families learn about the types of trauma foster children endured, their resulting behaviors, the emotional scars, and the interventions that are successful in addressing trauma and helping them heal.
Topics addressed during pre-service training include:
- Types of maltreatment children in foster care may have experienced.
- The social, emotional and behavioral difficulties children may display due to trauma as a result of abuse and/or neglect.
- Interventions that are successful in addressing trauma and helping heal abused and/or neglected children.
Once a foster placement is made, the family is supported by our Foster Care Coordinators.
Examples of support your Foster Care Coordinator will offer:
Weekly phone calls
Monthly home visits
On-going training
Recommendations and referrals to competent providers for the care and treatment of foster children.
Help understanding and navigating the child welfare system
Access to your Foster Care Coordinator 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Take the first step towards becoming a foster parent and join us in an Orientation.