Understanding the Experiences of Birth Children

Understanding the Experiences of Birth Children “Through Their Eyes” Even with the best intentions, foster and adoptive parents often unintentionally overlook the needs of their birth children. When parents choose to foster or adopt, the time and energy required to address the needs of the new child/children can leave birth children feeling neglected or sidelined.

Giving Thanks

A Thanksgiving Message from Annette Williams, Ph.D. It’s that time of the year again. A time when families get together, share meals and stories from the past.  Although a pleasant time for some, the holidays can bring sadness especially for those who have lost loved ones or are experiencing hardships. In 2022, I wrote my

Preserving Families Through Kinship Care

When a child experiences abuse or neglect and is separated from their birth home, an immediate priority for the team at Arms Wide is to support a relative to care for them, in what we call kinship care. This could either be a temporary arrangement or a permanent home, depending on the issues the parent(s)