Thursday, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Transfer Orientation (Region 6– Virtual/Zoom) For currently licensed CPS families needing to transfer to a new agency.
We know it can be stressful transferring to a new agency, but Arms Wide is here to help. If you are a currently licensed foster or adoptive family who is needing to transfer agencies due to the closure of the Region 6 FAD program, please take the following steps:
- Register for the Transfer Orientation on July 15th at 6pm by using the “Sign Up” link, below. You will receive an email from alerts@extendedreach.com containing the Zoom link for the virtual session. We will send you a reminder email with the link the day of the orientation.
- Within 24 hours of registering for the Transfer Orientation, you should receive an email from alerts@extendedreach.com with information about how to register for our online application system.
- (Optional, to expedite your process) After registering for our online application system and accessing your Foster Family Website, click on the “My Foster Home” tab at the top of the page, and then click on “Add Report” Next to “AWAS Application (Online)”.
- Complete the online application. In the section titled, “Why do you wish to be a Foster Parent/Respite Family?”, please include any information about your current situation, including whether you have children placed in your home, your caseworker’s name, etc.
Completing the online application will allow us to begin the process of reviewing your family for transfer. At the Transfer Orientation, we will provide a full overview of the steps your family will take for the transfer to be completed, including information about provisional licensing that may occur to ensure that any children currently placed in your home are able to be cared for and that you are able to transfer smoothly.
If you have any questions, please contact Ashley Sims at asims@armswide.org. Please note we are working diligently to respond to all inquiries and requests as soon as possible, and there may be delays due to the large volume of inquiries we are receiving at this time.