Tamika Rusher
Foster Care & Adoptive Home Compliance Coordinator
As a Foster Care and Adoption Coordinator, Tamika Rusher provides case management to the children and families of Arms Wide. She also ensures the children are safe and their needs are being met and/or addressed.
Why I started with Arms Wide:
I’ve always been motivated to assist and help others. By becoming an employee with the agency, it has allowed me to continue to do what I love, which is to help, serve and advocate for others. I am also excited to be part of Arms Wide’s mission of transforming the lives of children in need of safe and nurturing permanent families.
My favorite part about my job:
I enjoy interacting with the children and families. It’s so comforting to work with individuals who’s willing and devoted to caring for children in need.
My least favorite part:
My least favorite part of the job is seeing many children who have been victims of abuse and neglect.
More about me:
I love spending time with my family and friends; attending family gatherings, game nights, trips, and cook outs.
Ask me about:
Ask me about snacks, shopping, music, and movies!